Iowa Hawkeye girl tries to go on football field, blows .341 BAC in jail
By Brian Spaen

Photo from Samantha Goudie’s Twitter account (@Vodka_samm)
The latest edition of Deadspin’s Idiot on the Field takes place at our despised rivals’ home in Iowa City on Saturday during their home opener against Northern Illinois. The Huskies may have gotten the win on the field, but someone else in the crowd took a completely different kind of “win.”
According to a police report, Samantha Goudie was trying to get on the field before being stopped by police. When taken to jail, she had a blood alcohol content level of .341.
"Goudie, Samantha Lynne, 22 of Iowa City, IA for Public Intox at Kinnick Stadium at 1321 hours. Goudie was stopped for trying to enter the field. Goudie was unsteady on her feet. Goudie blew .341 PBT."
Samer Kalaf of Deadspin hits it right on the button when he says that she was “unfathomably shithoused” being over four times the legal limit.
Of course, Goudie’s popularity has skyrocketed now that her Twitter account has been found. Earler today, she said on Twitter that she wasn’t “trying to enter the game,” which is false. But who can take anything seriously when three minutes separate a tweet about getting good grades to “Go Hawks motherfuckers.”
The added touch of “Vodka_samm” in her handle is pretty cute. You can currently find her retweeting all the love she’s getting.
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